Hygiene and safety measures for the restart of our tours
We have earned the Safe Travels Stamp developed by the World Travels and Tourism Council (WTTC) for adhering to all hygiene protocols in establishments to protect the health of visitors as well as State Goverment Certification for tourism services suppliers.
As we prepare to welcome you once again to our tours we are taking also the necessary steps to ensure your safety and that of our staff. This is why we are making the commitment to adopt the following sanitary and safety measures:
- We will follow the strict hygiene guidelines recommended the World Health Organization and the Mexican Health Authorities.
- We will be closely monitoring the health of our guides and staff.
- All of our equipment and vehicles will be sterilized after every use and before every tour.
- Our staff will be carrying and using sanitation equipment on every tour.
- We will only reopen tours to locations that have the necessary sanitation measure in place to make your visit a safe one.
- We will prevent our clients from being in the presence of crowds; for this we will be coordinating and monitoring the schedules and arrivals of other tour operators to prevent too many people visiting the same attraction at once.
To get more information about this measures visit Health and safety standards
At the Airport
New regulations at Cancun International Airport have been implemented to ensure a safe reopening of the destination. These regulations are:
- Increased sanitation and deep cleaning of all areas of the airport.
- Installation of protective acrylic screens on countertops.
- Surveillance for proper social distancing.
- Every passenger will have his/her temperature checked.
- Monitoring passenger’s and staff health.
- Questionnaires to identify risk factors in travelers.
- All personnel will be provided with protective gear.
- Integration of healthy distance processes in sitting areas and queues.